Wednesday, March 21, 2012

COMM 506 Internet Usage Among Different Generations

     This week, we were asked to comment on the findings of the Pew Research Institute in regards to internet usage among Millennials, Gen X'ers, the Boomer generation, and older. The full report can be found here.
    The only piece of information that surprised me was the fact that searching for health information is the third most popular online activity for all adults over the age of 18. For older adults, it would not surprise me; I just did not realize that so many younger people were using the internet to research health problems, so much so that it is the third most popular activity.
     Other than this, I was honestly not surprised about any of the other data in the report. It showed that younger generations, such as Teens and Millennials, are more likely to be online wirelessly, use social networking more than anything else, and get almost all their news from online. Older generations, such as the Boomers and the Silent Generation, do not use the internet that much, and when they do, it is for informational purposes such as government websites or health information.

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