Wednesday, February 8, 2012

COMM 508 Non-Profit Ads

Non-profit advertisements that make an impact. Personally, the ones I chose that I thought made the biggest impact were those that were simple, yet able to get the message across clearly.


This ad makes a bold and clear message - if you smoke around others, it is just as dangerous as a loaded shotgun. Its message is to warn others that it is dangerous, and I believe it does a good job at that, because it is simple yet powerful.


This ad uses a powerful image to make its point - the rear view mirror is meant to look like a coffin. This has a strong impact on those with children, hopefully persuading them to make sure their child is buckled up.


This ad makes the argument that no matter how the person wants to look at it, smoking is still smoking, and it is still harmful to their health and to those around them. This ad made a strong impact because I know of many people who feel this way not knowing what they are doing to their health.


This ad is designed to make you feel guilty for smoking around a child. The halo made of smoke represents the child going to heaven early as a result of second-hand smoke. They purposefully picked a cute child, and did not show the person smoking, to represent that it could be anybody.


This ad is designed to show that if a child is left to sit in front of a television all the time, they have a higher chance of death due to cardiovascular disease. This makes an impact because the child's gaze at the perceived television out of frame is the same type of gaze that a deceased person may have, as well as the mourning family.


This ad uses a simple yet clever idea to highlight its message. It makes an impact because it is simple, and easy to do - all one has to do is recycle, and they will know that they have helped in some way.

Direct Marketing, Packaging, and Outdoor Pieces

This ad is simple and to the point. It persuades people to stop smoking by only offering one match, as well as the contact information for counseling to stop smoking.


This ad is for the recruitment of volunteers, and it is a simple photo. It represents the lack of people in the organization, and that without more volunteers, people like you will not get the help they need in emergency situations.


This ad uses clever placement to get its message across. The sandwich is blocking a letter, showing "Live Fat, Die Young" on the shirt of an obese person. Also, it looks like the sandwich is an unhealthy one. This impacts people who may be overweight or obese, and hopefully gets them to think about a lifestyle change.


This ad is meant to cause guilt in people when they see it. It is visually striking and disturbing because people are not used to seeing an emaciated white boy. This causes an almost visceral reaction, and hopefully persuades people to donate money to starving people.


This ad shows the gratitude of the child, now that he is getting better through the medicine and donations that were made for cancer research. It is meant to make the viewer feel good about themselves if they have donated, or persuade those who have not donated to do it so that they can feel good about themselves.

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